Unholy Death Knight Raid Guide (2024)

Welcome to the Unholy Death KnightRaidguide for the World of Warcraft prepatch 11.0.1! Here, you can find tips and tricks to maximize your damage output and ensure your character is ready to top the damage charts.

Playing an Unholy Death Knight is a unique experience compared to any other DPS specialization in the game as you have 3 resources, Runes, Runic Power, and Festering Wounds. Mastering your understanding of how these resources interact and synergize with each other is pivotal for maintaining a smooth and optimal gameplay flow.

In this patch, Unholy Death Knight was changed to have an extremely smooth gameplay flow that makes it intuitive to learn and understand. If you enjoy constantly summoning minions that deal overwhelming damage or diseases that rot your enemies this is now the spec for you.

Whether you are new or looking to improve in your Raids, this guide gives you the information needed to become a true juggernaut.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Unholy Death Knight

Unholy Death Knight Raid Guide (1)Unholy Death Knight Raid Guide (2)

Unholy Death KnightRaid

Single Target










  • Unholy Death Knights are known for their exceptional single target damage and being able to specialize in a massive AoE damage profile. As well as having a number of good damage profiles, they have some of the best survivability using their vast array of talents and abilities to stay alive and avoid mechanics.
  • Their toolkit includes powerful defensive abilities like Anti-Magic Shell and Icebound Fortitude, and powerful defensive talents like Anti-Magic Barrier and Will of the Necropolis which greatly enhance their survivability and allows them to stay in the fight longer than most other damage dealers.
  • However, like any specialization, Unholy Death Knightshave their weaknesses. One of them being a lack of mobility, only having Death's Advance to increase their movement speed while also immuning pushback effects. Another weakness is their utility, as they are less effective at using Death Grip to pull enemies in compared to a Blood Death Knight.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Unholy Death Knight

Single Target with Cleave

Pure Single Target

Pure AoE

When to Use This Spec

This is the default loadout going into any boss unless specified otherwise. This build is quite close to the pure single target build in damage output on single target, so it is a very small loss to gain a considerable amount of AoE damage. You have to adjust the class talent tree based on the utility needed for the encounter and to make your life easier, boss-specific talent loadouts are available in theRaids section for the last bosses of each Awakened Raid.

Gameplay Altering Talents

Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation andDeep Divesections below.

Spec Tree

  • Superstrain
    • Outbreak and any other disease application spell now also applies Frost Fever and Blood Plague at 80% effectiveness.
  • Morbidity
    • Increases damage taken per disease applied meaning you always want your diseases up before hitting anything.
  • Ebon Fever
    • Causes all diseases to deal 12% more damage in half the duration. This effectively increases all of your disease damage by 130%.
  • Infected Claws
    • A major factor in why you don't constantly press Festering Strike as this gives roughly 8 Festering Wounds per minute.
    • Every hit in multi-target situations from Sweeping Claws has a separate chance of applying a Festering Wound, meaning you don't have to constantly Festering Strike multiple targets.
  • Apocalypse
    • Bursts up to 4 Festering Wounds on the target, summoning 4 ghouls that deal damage for 15 seconds.
  • Raise Abomination
    • Replaces Army of the Dead, instead summoning an abomination that applies all diseases when it spawns in a small radius around it and applies a Festering Wound on each of its' auto attacks for 30 seconds.
  • Unholy Assault
    • Puts 4 Festering Wounds on your target and Increases your damage by 20% for 20 seconds.

Class Tree

  • Soul Reaper
    • Used rotationally when hitting enemies under 35% health.
  • Cleaving Strikes
    • Cleaving Strikes allows your Scourge Strike to hit up to 7 additional enemies while you are standing in Death and Decay or when you have the buff from recently standing in your Death and Decay.
  • Abomination Limb
    • Grips enemies to you for 12 seconds with a minimum range of 8 yards and a max range of 20 yards as well as dealing a decent amount of damage over the duration.
  • Runic Attenuation
    • A very nice source of passive Runic Power generation to help smooth your rotation out.
  • Anti-Magic Zone and Assimilation
    • Your raid cooldown that lasts for either 8 seconds or until 150% of your maximum health has been absorbed in total by everyone standing in the zone.
    • Talenting into Assimilation makes this absorb 10% stronger, 165% of your maximum health, and have a 30 second reduced cooldown.
  • Null Magic
    • Reduces your magic damage taken by 10% and reduces the the duration of harmful magic effects by 35%. While the reduced magic damage portion of Null Magic works against all magic damage, the reduced duration of harmful magic effects does not work on the vast majority of debuffs in the raid as that could simply break too many things. If it is important, the debuffs that this works on and does not work on are noted in the Raids section.
  • Vestigial Shell
    • Puts a Lesser Anti-Magic Shell on 2 nearby allies that absorbs a small amount of damage and reduces the duration of some harmful magic effects. This does not have any immune capabilities and just acts as a shield on your allies that can reduce the duration of some harmful magic effects.
  • Death's Echo
    • Gives you 2 charges of Death and Decay, Death's Advance and Death Grip.
  • Will of the Necropolis
    • Reduces all damage taken by 35% when below 30% health, including the portion of the hit that takes you below 30%. For example, if you take a hit that takes you from 60% to 10%, the portion of the hit below 30% of your health is reduced by 35%
  • Unholy Endurance
    • Transforms Lichborne into a defensive cooldown and increases the amount of Leech it grants.
  • Unyielding Will
    • Anti-Magic Shell's cooldown is increased by 20 seconds but it removes all harmful magic effects when cast. While this says all, it doesn't mean all as removing certain debuffs could potentially break encounters if some debuffs were removed early. Make sure to check the Raids section in this guide to see what you can and can't remove on a fight by fight basis.
  • Gloom Ward
    • Increases all absorbs on you by 15%, this is incredibly powerful as it increases the absorb of spells like Anti-Magic Shell and Power Word: Shield and other similar abilities.

When to Use This Spec

You will want to use this spec whenever you come to a boss that is purely single target. As this is only a pure single target build, you will only use this on a few bosses

Talent Adjustments

Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.

  • Added
    • Commander of the Dead
      • Dark Transformation now buffs all summoned minions by 35% for 30 seconds.
    • Unholy Aura
      • All enemies within 8 yards of you take 20% increased damage from all pets.
  • Removed
    • Morbidity
    • Superstrain

When to Use This Spec

This spec will likely only be used on 1 fight, The Primal Council in Vault of the Incarnates.

Talent Adjustments

Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.

  • Added
    • Bursting Sores
      • When you pop your Festering Wounds, they now do increased damage and deal damage in an area around them.
    • Defile
      • Replaces Death and Decay making it deal increased damage and reducing the cooldown to 20 seconds.
    • Menacing Magus
      • Allows your Magus of the Dead to cleave with Shadow Bolt.
    • Vile Contagion
      • On a 45 second cooldown, you can now spread your current target's Festering Wounds to 7 nearby enemies.
  • Removed
    • Ghoulish Frenzy
    • Harbinger of Doom
    • Rotten Touch


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Unholy Death Knight

Tier Set

  • 2-Set: Bursting a Festering Wound grants your ghoul Vile Infusion, increasing their damage by 25% and Haste by 10% for 5 seconds.
  • 4-Set: Your primary ghoul's attacks have a 8% chance to increase your damage and Haste by 8% for 8 seconds. This chance is increased to 15% during Vile Infusion.

Single Target

Opener Rotation

  • Your goal in the opener is to get your high value casts out of the way so you can get your cooldowns started immediately as you want to get into your normal rotation and begin taking advantage of your cooldowns. Below, you see an example of how your opener looks like using the recommended Single-Target build.

Make sure your Ghoul is summoned at least 5 seconds before combat.

  • After this opener there is a lot of Scourge Strike and Death Coil spamming.
  • Raise Abomination does not always cast it's Virulent Plague quickly so make sure Mark of Fyr'alath is up on your target before you cast Rage of Fyr'alath.

Priority List

This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.

  1. Cast Dark Transformation and Apocalypse on 45 second cooldown windows, they should always be paired together. Raise Abomination and Unholy Assault should be used in combination with the others on 1m30s windows.
  2. Cast Soul Reaper if the enemy is below 35% health or will be when this expires.
  3. Cast Death Coil when you have more than 80 Runic Power or when Sudden Doom is active.
  4. Cast Outbreak if any of your diseases are not active.
  5. Cast Festering Strike when you have 2 or less Festering Wounds.
  6. Cast Scourge Strike if Plaguebringer is not active.
  7. Cast Death Coil if Death Rot is about to fall off.
  8. Cast Scourge Strike when you have 3 or more Festering Wounds.
  9. Cast Death Coil.

2+ Targets

The opener does not change for 2 or more Targets as you just add Death and Decay to the rotation.

Opener Rotation

2+ Target Priority

  1. Cast Dark Transformation and Apocalypse on 45 second cooldown windows, they should always be paired together. Raise Abomination and Unholy Assault should be used in combination with the others on 1m30s windows.
  2. Cast Soul Reaper if the enemy is below 35% health or will be when this expires.
  3. Cast Death Coil or Epidemic when you have more than 80 Runic Power or when Sudden Doom is active.
  4. Cast Outbreak if any of your diseases are not active.
  5. Cast Death and Decay.
  6. Cast Festering Strike when you have 2 or less Festering Wounds.
  7. Cast Scourge Strike if Plaguebringer is not active.
  8. Cast Death Coil or Epidemicif Death Rot is about to fall off.
  9. Cast Scourge Strike when you have 3 or more Festering Wounds.
  10. Cast Death Coil or Epidemic.

Deep Dive

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Unholy Death Knight

How to Use Your Cooldowns in Raid

As an Unholy Death Knight, your main strength is using your cooldowns together to extract the maximum potential from your most potent abilities. This section shows you how to properly use them together.

45s Window

1m30s Window

Your objective here is to not waste a global cooldown overcapping on Festering Wounds as Apocalypse summons 4 ghouls as long as there is at least 1Festering Wound on your target, but popping more at once is always better.

Casting Death Coil vs Epidemic

  • When you are in an AoE situation, you should switch to using Epidemic over Death Coil at 3 stacked targets. However, when you are talented into Improved Death Coil this changes to 4 stacked targets. This is not a common issue as you are not regularly talented into Improved Death Coil while being in situations where you want to press Epidemic.

Pet Positioning

  • When you empower your ghoul with Dark Transformation, it is essential to see and manage where your pet is at all times due to the interaction between Sweeping Claws and Infected Claws as this can put Festering Wounds on all targets hit by Sweeping Claws. This increases your power dramatically in any multi-target situation as you gain a ton of additional Festermight stacks from this interaction when you start bursting them with Death and Decay and Scourge Strike.
  • Managing your pet positioning is also necessary while you are talented into Commander of the Dead as it only has a 100 yard application range to your summoned minions. While this is not ordinarily an issue, occasionally bosses like Volcoross end up existing and pets like to move to the back of the boss, putting them far out of the 100 yard application range.

Anti-Magic Shell Runic Power

  • Anti-Magic Shell has the ability to grant you up to 40 Runic Power based on the amount it absorbs. This is incredibly powerful as these single target builds can get starved of Runic Power so you want to use this to your advantage as often as possible on bosses where Anti-Magic Shell isn't needed for purely defensive purposes.

Understanding Mechanics

Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.

  • Pandemic
  • Spell Queue Window
  • Stat Diminishing Returns


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Unholy Death Knight

Vault, Aberrus & Amirdrassil

The current focus is on the relevant bosses from Season 4, covering important aspects such as talent specs, cooldown management, and other crucial details. For the upcoming Raid in "The War Within," you receive a comprehensive look at all the bosses in the next update.

← Scroll for more Bosses








Offensive Cooldown Usage on Boss

Boss Tips

  • Unholy Death Knights can go on either add or boss duty so you need to adjust your cooldowns for that. The above timeline is for boss damage only, but if you are on adds the timings are delayed for your 4th and 5th casts of both Dark Transformation and Apocalypse to extract their maximum potential on add waves.
  • In the first phase of the fight it is recommended to use Anti-Magic Shell on Greatstaff of the Broodkeeper when you pop 4 eggs on the first cast and on the overlap at 1:11 with Greatstaff of the Broodkeeper and Frozen Shroud at the same time.
  • In phase 2 of the boss, you can use Anti-Magic Shell on every Frozen Shroud as the cooldown is just slightly longer than 40 seconds.

Offensive Cooldown Usage

Defensive Cooldown Usage

Utility Cooldown Usage

Boss Tips

  • The macro below allows your Mind Freeze to automatically target a Volatile Spark. You can also replace Mind Freeze with Death Grip in a different macro for the same effect.
/tar boss1/targetenemy/focus/tar player/tar focus/tar boss1/targetlasttarget/cast [harm,nodead] Mind Freeze/tar boss1

Phase 1

  • Volatile Currentspawns Sparks that need to be dealt with. As an Unholy Death Knight, your toolkit is the following:
    • Mind Freeze
      • You can kick 1 Spark and remove 1 stack.
    • Blinding Sleet
      • Removes 1 stack from all Sparks in front of you and should be used every other wave.
    • Death Grip
      • Removes 1 stack from 1 Spark. This is best used on distant Sparks that ranged spawn and have issues clearing.
  • Use Death's Advance on Hurricane Wing to prevent being pushed out of melee.

Intermission 1

  • If you are on the Frost side, you can pre-use Anti-Magic Shell to prevent the application of Shattering Shroud.
  • Death Grip is especially nice to bring the Stormseeker Acolytes to your stack after dodging Lightning Devastation as they tend to stand and cast in the back if they are not interrupted.

Phase 2

  • Use Death's Advance on Tempest Wing and stand under the boss so you are not stacked with other people and take less damage.

Phase 3

  • DO NOT use Death's Advance on Magnetic Charge as this is a bad idea since Lightning Breath is likely to be aimed you and it is easier to dodge.
  • Use Death's Advance on Tempest Wing and stand under the boss so you are not stacked with other people and take less damage.

Offensive Cooldown Usage

Boss Tips

  • You can pre immune the application of Volcanic Heart with Anti-Magic Shell OR before the debuff expires you can Anti-Magic Shell to prevent the application of the DoT effect on yourself only. Do not do this on top of your group.
  • If you are targeted with Rushing Darkness, you can Anti-Magic Shell and Death's Advance to not get silenced or knocked back.
  • In phase 3, you can prevent the application of Ebon Destruction by pressing Anti-Magic Shell just before the cast ends. You still need to be in a Sundered Reality portal to not die however.

Offensive Cooldown Usage

Defensive Cooldown Usage

Boss Tips

Phase 1

  • Use your Death's Advance on Oppressing Howl while running in to prevent the knockback at the very start of the fight.
  • Anti-Magic Shell can prevent the application of Scorching Detonation DoT on you.

Phase 2

  • You can prevent the application of Infinite Duress by having Anti-Magic Shell up at the time of the cast so you should ensure that this does not happen as it can screw with the flow of the fight more than it helps. Be sure to Death's Advance on the dispel so you do not get displaced.
  • Death Grip is extremely useful to help get the adds in and out of Desolate Blossom if they are stuck or if you still need to remove Rescind.
  • As a Death Knight you have a ranged kick with‍Mind Freezeso be sure to keep and eye on‍Cosmic Volley to help kick it.
  • With‍Blinding Sleetyou can AoE Stop‍Blasting Screamwhenever it's needed.

Phase 3

  • Infinite Duress is present again so ensure you do not immune it.
  • Embrace of Nothingness is the big soaking mechanic in this phase so you want to use Anti-Magic Shell on it as it grants a large amount of Runic Power.

Offensive Cooldown Usage

Boss Tips

  • DO NOT use Death's Advance on the World In Flames knockback as this has an extremely high likelihood of spawning Living Flames inside of the boss, preventing you from gaining stacks of the damage buff and in turn buffing the boss.
  • You should use Anti-Magic Shell on the first set of Brand of Damnation or Flame Waves if it is available so that you can have it back up for the intermission.
  • In the intermission, you use Anti-Magic Shell to prevent yourself from running out of melee.
    • First World In Flames
      • Use Anti-Magic Shell when you want to stay in melee and it forces you to run out to the third ring. As you are forced out to the third ring twice, you can do this at either time but you want to use whenever it is best for you.
    • Second World In Flames
      • Anti-Magic Shell when it forces you out to the far ring as you don't want to run out that far.
    • Third World In Flames
      • You can use this for Runic Power as needed since it does not force you out of melee.
    • Fourth World In Flames
      • Anti-Magic Shell when it forces you out to the far ring as you don't want to run out that far.

Offensive Cooldown Usage

Defensive Cooldown Usage

Boss Tips

  • You can pre-immune Mass Entanglement if you use Anti-Magic Shell before the end of the cast.
    • You are forced to do this on the 2nd wave of Mass Entanglement in Phase 1 to live.
  • Death's Advance prevents the pushback from Typhoon so you can easily dodge the Fire Beams in the intermission.

Offensive Cooldown Usage

Boss Tips

  • Be sure to use Anti-Magic Shell if it looks like you are about to be hit by 2 Blazes or if you have Blaze and Wildfire is about to happen. You can also use it on Dream Rend to prevent damage while everyone is moving and less healing is happening.

Phase 1

  • Use Death's Advance to negate the pull in from Dream Rend.


  • Death's Advance will negate the knock-up from Incarnate so you can immediately run to your soaking position without taking the Demonic Gateway.

Phase 2

  • Death Grip and talenting in to Death's Reach allows you to bring the very far Screaming Souls in to the stack. This is incredibly important and pretty much the only reason to bring a Death Knight!
  • Abomination Limb also allows you grip in Screaming Souls up to 20 yards from your position so you can use this on whichever add wave your group prefers to immensely help with grouping them.

Phase 3

  • Anti-Magic Shell prevents the debuff after Apocalypse Roar from being applied to you, even if it breaks, negating any significant damage you take in this phase.

Stat Priority

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Unholy Death Knight

Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Raid boss fights as an Unholy Death Knight. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.

Higher Item level items are better in most scenarios. For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft! A static "Stat Priority" is just a starting point and can easily shift depending on your individual gear.

  • All secondary stats are affected by diminishing returns. Click here to learn more!


  • Avoidance - Great stat to reduce the damage intake of "Area of Effect" abilities.
  • Leech - Unholy Death Knights currently can not take full advantage of this stat due to pets not contributing to this stat in any form. By no means is it bad, especially in AoE scenarios, but it is simply worth more for other classes.
  • Speed - While Unholy Death Knights are not the most mobile class, you are not slow but have no way to instantly relocate your character. This stat can greatly help you close that gap faster if you have a lot of it.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Unholy Death Knight

Overall BiS

Farmable Alternatives

HeadPiercing Gaze of the Risen NightmareTier / Catalyst
NeckTorc of Passed TimeCrafted
ShoulderSkewers of the Risen NightmareTier / Catalyst
CloakVoice of the Silent StarSarkareth
ChestBreastplate of Soaring TerrorGreat Vault / Ruby Life Pools
WristPrimal Molten VambracesCrafting
GlovesThorns of the Risen NightmareTier / Catalyst
BeltRecycled Golemskin WaistguardZskarn
LegsGreaves of the Risen NightmareTier / Catalyst
BootsFused Obsidian SabatonsSmolderon
Ring 1Seal of Diurna's ChosenEranog
Ring 2Seal of Filial DutyBroodkeeper Diurna
Trinket 1Neltharion's Call to SufferingEcho of Neltharion
Trinket 2Mirror of Fractured TomorrowsDawn of the Infinites
WeaponFyr'alath the DreamrenderFyrakk

Below you are presented with a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.

HeadEarthshaker's Steel VisorHalls of Infusion
NeckBromach's Disentombed LocketUldaman
ShoulderMantle of Crushing WavesHalls of Infusion
CloakCloak of Lost DevotionThe Azure Vault
ChestBreastplate of Soaring TerrorRuby Life Pools
WristBinders of the MolderingBrackenhide Hollow
GlovesGauntlets of Incalculable PowerHalls of Infusion
BeltRavenous Omnivore's GirdleHalls of Infusion
LegsFural's Blazing FauldsNeltharus
BootsPristine Magma StompersNeltharus
Ring 1Circle of Ascended FrostHalls of Infusion
Ring 2Unstable Arcane LoopThe Azure Vault
Passive Trinket Idol of Trampling HoovesThe Nokhud Offensive
On-Use TrinketIrideus FragmentHalls of Infusion
WeaponSargha's SmasherNeltharus


Below you can find active and passive alternatives to the recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the scenario.

Active Trinket alternatives

  • Algeth'ar Puzzle Box
    • While this is good, it has a 2 second cast time (reduced by Haste) making it slightly annoying to use. It is recommended to use the other alternatives listed here as they are both easier and nicer to use.
  • Ashes of the Embersoul
    • An incredibly powerful active trinket but it has a 2 minute cooldown which you hold for your 3 minute burst. The Haste penalty after the active effect is not ideal but the on use is strong enough to warrant using if you do not have Mirror of Fractured Tomorrows.
  • Blazebinder's Hoof
    • A good 2 minute on-use trinket that you also save for every other use of Raise Abomination.

Passive Trinket alternatives

  • Whispering Incarnate Icon
    • Grants Crit when equipped and when tanks and healers equip this trinket it can proc Versatility and Haste respectively.
  • Ominous Chromatic Essence
    • Grants secondary stats of your choice and gives you smaller buffs of other stats when grouped with other users of this trinket if they are using the other stat buffs.
  • Cataclysmic Signet Brand
    • Completely passive damage trinket, this gets stronger the longer the fight goes on. This is an incredibly powerful option on fights like Razageth and Fyrakk with long fight durations.


To find the best combination of gear available to you or identify the best possible upgrades, visit our Simcraft guide to learn how to utilize Simcraft easily and effectively.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Unholy Death Knight

  • 2x Blue Silken Lining
    • With how sturdy you are as an Unholy Death Knight, this is your best option as you can keep a very high uptime on this buff with the amount of damage prevention tools you have.
    • This is in your overall bis on Torc of Passed Time and Primal Molten Vambraces but you can also put this on Belt and Boots if you have good items in these slots already.

Remaining Sparks

  • Make sure to apply Alchemical Flavor Pocket if you have an additional crafted item equipped.
  • Crafted items are 525 item level and regular items are 528 on max item level, therefore, it's not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Unholy Death Knight

HeadIncandescent Essence
NeckTiered Medallion Setting 3x
CloakEnchant Cloak - Homebound Speed
ChestEnchant Chest - Waking Stats
WristEnchant Bracer - Devotion of Speed
BeltShadowed Belt Clasp
LegsFierce Armor Kit
BootsEnchant Boots - Plainsrunner's Breeze
Ring 1Enchant Ring - Devotion of Mastery
Ring 2Enchant Ring - Devotion of Mastery
WeaponRune of the Fallen Crusader


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Unholy Death Knight


  • Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage -- Maximum DPS
  • Phial of Tepid Versatility -- Less DPS but more survivability


  • Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak
  • Deviously Deviled Eggs

Combat Potion

  • Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
  • Residual Neural Channeling Agent -- Can be used while being dead if your potion is ready

Health Potion

  • Potion of Withering Dreams -- A big burst of healing
  • Dreamwalker's Healing Potion -- Less healing upfront but an additional small heal over time

Weapon Rune

  • Howling Rune -- Default
  • Hissing Rune

Augment Rune

  • Dreambound Augment Rune -- Requires Reputation
  • Draconic Augment Rune


  • Skillful Illimited Diamond -- Unique, made by work order
  • Regular gems depend on your current stats so make sure you sim yourself!
    • Keen Ysemerald
    • Keen Neltharite
    • Zen Neltharite


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Unholy Death Knight

For min-maxing an Unholy Death Knight in raiding, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your characters. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.

  • Berserking -- Troll
    • The best racial for an Unholy Death Knight in The War Within as this lines up perfectly with your highest points of burst during Army of the Dead or every other use of Raise Abomination.
    • Reduces the duration of movement impairing effects by 20%. Was only useful once in the recent history of progression raiding but worth noting.
  • The Human Spirit -- Human
    • Granting you extra secondary stats, this is your second best racial and Frost Death Knight's best racial so if you also play Frost this is likely your best overall option.
    • While Death Knights also have Icebound Fortitude, Human grants you Will to Survive as well which never hurts to have.
  • Stoneform -- Dwarf
    • Can dispel Magic and Bleed debuffs. Has been useful in the past on some bosses with Bleeds and is strong in Mythic+.
    • As well as having Stoneform, Might of the Mountain is a very strong racial bonus granting Critical Strike damage which makes this your third best race along with Tauren as it has the same racial ability.


In general, it's safe to say that if you care about min-maxing your DPS you should go with the highest DPS racial. Currently, this is Human however at level 80 this switches back to Troll.

That being said the story is a bit different for progression raiding. Some help out massively to speed up the progression on certain bosses. Notably Dwarf with their Stoneform helped out on Tindral Sageswift & Fyrakk the Blazing in the latest Race to World First by having easy access to dispelling yourself at crucial points of the fights mentioned.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Unholy Death Knight

Discover recommended macros for Unholy Death Knights during Raid encounters and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.

Macro Import Guide Video

Cursor Macros

Anti-Magic Zone -CastsAnti-Magic Zone at your Cursor position.

/cast [@cursor] Anti-Magic Zone

Death and Decay - Casts Death and Decay at your cursor position.

/cast [@cursor] Death and Decay

If you do not like Death and Decay on your cursor you can replace [@cursor] with [@player] and it will instead put it at your feet. Having either of these is important as it removes the targeting reticle and allows you to get it out faster.

/cast [@player] Death and Decay

Mouseover Macros

Focus Macros

Pet Macros


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Unholy Death Knight

Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Unholy Death Knight, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Raids to make your life easier.

Unholy Death Knight Raid Guide (3)



Changes this Patch

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Unholy Death Knight

Patch 11.0


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Unholy Death Knight

Q: How does the ramping proc chance of Sudden Doom work?


Written By: Miniaug

Reviewed By: Xerwo

Unholy Death Knight Raid Guide (2024)
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