Tulsa Daily Legal News from Tulsa, Oklahoma (2024)

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Tulsa Daily Legal Newsi

Tulsa, Oklahoma

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MONDAY JANUARY 28 1957 TULSA DAILY LEGAL NEWS PAGE SEVEN 6458 (Published in the Tulsa l(nily Legal Sens Jan 7 to Feb it 1(07 Publishing eu 8468 iiliblishe1 in the Tulsa Daily Legal News Jon 9 to Jan 31 I xter Publishing Cu Publish ers) br64 l'Uhltshett II the OR' Lett11 Net Jan :::1 to rub 7 111 I I krIrr hshrs 6498 (Published in the 1'i iliy1 Daily Leg31 New 14 Jan 14 to Jyti Incl Dexter l'utilisiong Co vtit limberly) truhlishett In the Tt lv Lemal Nene Jan 14 I Jim I 116 iti4 I Dextrr ti pub lihere I Fairte- 11639 ts 11'2 It the l'itIsa I tr 1 in ill 101c3I 1it1 11 Jii it I II) I 11111iNtiing Ptitaitshrt's1 It71144 Ili the 1 tisli I Com it hitt att1 fur In I h- Iili I con -Lt I 1lahtha i'latitt 11 AN iti kV it I I i tthiat1 T) 111- 1) sig) 11111tt1111 met e4 NII 11( 111 pi 11114 iv It Immediate tool 11 I I I tr LA I It 01LI 'ft 101 I It anti 14111114K 11 tidii itl 1ti I hat 111 tia it1 tditittiti Itti ii II" itallitii1 11 1it I It it1111 II ting that I li him I ttoo it 111i11 '441-1 it III 111 11111 Itirt hut eett itt4 11111 1 it I 1k eh 11v 114 011pat ith1 that 11iLitit ht tzetIttortt igt11111t11 41 11414 tit 111 tit tl I titik 111! 111tittl tit isN U111411015 Iniit 1114 ittil "it herote 1 he 41 i Atrial I tte ti iiu 0111 1k al lit ittit til istil I It 1 oktilk ttlk II lit' mot a judgment IA iii 1 I ttot 111 tatti ett tor 'Hid' plaint attithrt 1 at art I CC or it it tii 111114 Mitt tie ittti11 Ittg itr if or it iitr if tinnn nat Jan- tklitIttit tam )e 110 tinitiotraturpo LNNI EL NV FRI' 1 rEN11 tit Ili 11111 1114 both tiff it rAt 'Iv 'lL I It tot ti 1r I tepot litii tO titti fivti that Yttti I 1) et ers I totrlirr ttr hero tottal to 1 he 10 0 PH 1 Wit" 141111'1ln 1 fiat I ti Alight it nil '1 thlt Angitn Ams lirf 1I tot riot ate pint irf ittiti iit 11 tit' it101111111111 iit i Ili tit! 8 fil3 l'ohlthett tit I he Itiltit I tall Leg al '1'1' tot follo tt it It to vtit 19" Liti-ti iti 1111itiN That vd! sith rem Ittt I I tt ter l'al10hitig l'ob t4 Lot Frt ht atol he North Itthet in the District Court Vithirt find for In the Court of Common Pleas in MICE TO tit EDITORS NOTICIE 10 UtilLitirrotts milt Ail TO CIIEDITolig Tulsa County State of oklahorna and for Tulsa Ctuoity State of iltollATE No 312Is Plitt itATE Nit no l'ItilitCrE No 31Pm NI I I EST NI AltilLE ANI) TIIE i 4111101mi In the Cloudy Court of Tulsa In the Couritv Court of Tulsa In th cts court or Tuts I 't INIPANY a corporation i'latit- THIRD FINANCE Co iti't 'RATION County l'h State of oklahoma County The State of ikib ility The Stat or ohlahonia tiff vs MINES RASH PoZZA et tormerly FIRST FINANCE Colt In the Matter of the Estate of In the Matter or the Estate or In the Ntattr of the Estate 0 itl Defendants PoltA Tit IN JPIaltitiff vs AND'S A lit 1 DA A TTERS Deceased ALIIERT AV De eased ILEN lb illitstiN 14-as1 No 02502 it GlaiVirAt iin irrlA itiTii All rsons ItitVing claims against An 1r1ons having claims against All licistilim haViiitt clailits again MICE 11 l'1111111CATION li11) ER Defendants Edward Valters deceased are re- Albert A Vallitee de eased of re- Mkt' II illitson iletmiscil are re STATE tile IiiXEAlioNIA To: Agnes No 442ni dared to nutstit the same unit the quire' to present the same a ith th united present lite same IA ith tio Itash PoitZit Clara Hash Clark NOTICE' OF edilEllIFFK SIDLE neessory vuuciars to the under- necessary vouchers to the under- necessary youelors to the tontir Iouts Edward "lash and the Notice is herviey given that in signed xt4litrix at tile office rf signed executrix at the office of sigoist usecutris 0 iloni 1izle istioUlt atilt iinknown heirs ese- pursuantre of a writ of execiition Hunt 1atia '4I Easht gus xvills 11sche Al 1 i 4411101i tit 111 itild 111P NAI'l itslik Votorit adniinistratorm devisees issioii out of the office of the t'ourt Notarial think of Colnincrce Build- torneys 313 Drew Molding Tulsa Commerce ithig Tulsa okialtm trustees arid assigns Immediate Clerk iti and for Tulsa CountY State lug Tuba tiklahom*o within four toklithomit within four months from talon four iiinths frern th date a titi remote of ouephine Llaah of iklithinia tat the 3rd day of months from the date hereof or the the date hereof or the same aid be hereof- or the same ill lee forevel deceased: January 10:4 in an avtion wherein sams will be fo tI toil forever harrti boo eel 'co*ke notice that you have leer)) Third Finance Corporation it Iltilvtli thiii day of January lIated this 14th day of January Dated this lith day of January sued in the above named Court by Plaintiff and Amos It tilover anti A I) 195 AD 191'7 I 1107 7 the- litairitiff Aildwest Slarbla and Violet Ruth (Rover were 'Defendants INEZ JEANNE TT tAATTEItS EIDITII WALLACE NIA It I' ELLA litto Tile Company a corporation and commanding me to levy upon prop- Executro Exeettrix l'ae11trix that the petition filed herein alleges ert belonging to said Defendants Duni Eagleton a Eagleton VAilliains 110eDtche rig Dow Eagitton et Eagiclon this more that' titres yeors have sufficient to satisfy a judm gent Niel ermott Attys Atte' riey rt elapsed since the death of Josephine rendered in maid action In favor or Attorneys rlos Nall ilk Comm Mtg Drew Ithig ries Nati lik Commerce Illtig Dash decaneti anti that there has Third Finance Corporation against hir teklahon be-ii no decree by the County Court said Deferitionto for the slim of $1e tie17 II523 SWIiI of Tulsa County State of Oklahoma 44127 with interest thereof' at the il'uldished in the Tulsa Pally Legal which hail jurisdiction to odminia- rate of hiX per cent tfci per annum News Jan 17 to Feb I 17 (ublished in the Tulsa Paily Legal tiNob1shc11itio illy '11iilsjiilliliti31s ter upon het emtate wherein it wag from the 22nd day of 1Vb4 Incl Itexter Puldishing tth l'Ub- jail' 17 reb l' 196 Do I publishing Co i judiciolly determined who by name rind for $21000 attorney fees and Incl Dexter Publishing Cv ub- 01 were or are all the a particular per- for costs ud cre ion! ite(riling I lislieriL) loiters holt entitled to participate in the have levied upon the following de- Nitlltil To l'ill'AllT01411 No1141 TO 4IttloTtots distribution or as the tale and only strileed hoots and tenements an per l'ito ltAT No 311PC In the Cou unty rt Vithin and for PlioliATE NIA i1t4 or sai'll JNPI1111111 "'lel' de Judgment herein to-wit: tri the County Court of Tulsa 'robot County State of oklao tini In the Count) Court of Tulsa ceased entitled to distribution of All tit' the Stiiith Half (S lit tit County The State of lit lationia roilli I) The State ill 4 lishiliontt the- fedlewirig described real Pron- Hack EleVell 111 I Slorrow In the Ntatir 4f tit Es1" Of liti the Nlatter of the Estates of: In the Nlatter of the Estate of ert in a litch the said Josephine Heights Addition to the tIt JOEL DANTZLEIt ItliollES De- Prolate No 30423- NtIiiE 1iti MAIIEL I CASEDEER Deteaseil Hash deceased hati an interest at or Coihnsville Tulsa County eased Ellt and E'lTA NIAE El it All pi 1 sons hat ing aims against the- time of her death to-wit 4 tishilitilliii Maic1 I Catherr ileccamd are re North fai feet Lot 4 Block 2 I and have duly caused said landit rind All persons claims against 1 ti I 1 Joel thintiler Rhodes Inceoseti are I (I quit isi ti present he halite at Ith Sunset Addition to the City ot tenellients to lie appraised accord- required to prettnt the halite with Ottioit tiVit NoTint: or tilt tooo) ootiots to tho unTulsa Tulsa CoillitY likiallrnit 'lig li) law at $100oo0 th necessary vouchers to the Un- ir tt IVIVIii Sl'ETILillVt sigited aillitiiiistrator it 3ino Pyth accordin the reeorded pla NoW TEIE IFitiE NI iTICE l''' dtrsigited Executrix at the offieir of tan Iiillia Tulsa tiklattoma atilt hereof ilEltEllY illAEN that in pursuance I Nhisten Nhisten and Morehead 804 ICE IT ItENIENIIIERED That on "1 IlIe dal' hcle- iintlr the laws of succession of the of the comniando of said writ I 1I ituilding Tulsa 3 OklahomitIthis 17th ditY tf Jallu'll' 19" the of or the sante ill be feettvtr State or iiisloheettia and that toe iii offer rat sat and spil for earth for the sitteritioneof 1 Niorelirail hat ti dy th tttnt i harr! plaintiffs are the stievessors In in- to the highest bidder said litlida and ter sst of dist rilortees Of the a Ilai oUr Mont hs from th tenements or 40 Mulch thereof UN tiertor or olt tome v4111 bo tneer 'late ljt'itlicial lertil of the County Cour II" I 'l l'iv if 311111ar) I i A IP ISe7 101 'unt I atialionia it appeor said estate claim on interemt in sant wili matiary th maid Judgment and 1r1 MICR CASEDEEIL prtperty and seek to have judicially tli court ing the siittsfittion inlet tertnitiei1 in this alion the varioura costs on the 7th day of February 'Dated this 17th day of Janna that in the above named rittOP4 the Aitionisttator its- at lo o'clock am of said daY A 1 iAellanistratrix N11 Altiler having II Alt) "Pirs lit II fit mill" anti at the st front door of the Court the proportions or part whieh eiteh 1 fiat in the City ter Tulsa ir) said IATIIEltINE l'ulI111nulI: filed tier final reports and petitions l'y Ham Iiiig 11I- for dclerillitiation of heirship and was entitled to tak in said real 1ty mot i prtierty oroler the laws or 'nieces rIPCUISII 1 11 frit i li Pit Mt dtigtitittge all par- SEP' I TN ESS 111 hand this 7Ili day Nlitsten Arden Nloreitead l' sleii or ill State of oklaiiDma and i ties interest1 in Sit Id tate itrt (I'11111SIIVPI tit tilt l'ulsa Ixttal Palace Bldg laiVen tiotice and are hcreity directed Near Jan 1 to Veit liol ititictinit the title nr plaintiff' III and 1 CIENN It robot 3 41111110mo Ito appear in the County Court of Dexter Publishing Co l'illehsh- to sant real property 1 Attsh fo Exec utri And )011 further take notice Ity NI NI LEAVELL ll'ilisit ltilit) State of I oglahoini on 41' the hth day of Fritillary 111:1 at that viol nitist answer lite petition Deputy 8514 Nirlit II III SIII341111114 t4114 Ille-1 herein 1y the said Plaintiff on 11 Iv tv 931 o'clock am to SIIIPW caU SI why Ne itiel or tofore the loth day of Fehruar) 121 1 wan lima (Published in the Tulsa DatlY Legali 4t shtt 1I NoTICE is herely given that iti NPWH Jail- I It 1'1'k 7 Il57proved and final orders Made deter- 1: or hoot petition sill be taken t111'ik10 or er or sale issued littI Ilexter Publishing Co Puli milling heirship and tireeing dos- DI" I as true aril a julignient for Nub' At" flit Iifr out id the Dist riet Cour I of Tulsa pia I 'DIM Its prayed for in the pe limiters) tribution arid said estates loset! l'otiii0 I PhlithiPithi iii CIIIIPit No tit i11 tiled herein will rendered iPoldislied in the 111143 toady Legal In the Pistrict Court in and for VSitosh toy hand III te seal or IT IS FhltTliElt ORDERED That "'In 1 17 to Felt 1 Tolmo County Slate of oichiloona titiingt hla is plaintiff and John A Riker et al haii Court this tith day of January I not lee the Ito LIvier Publishing (0 Pub- JiIIIN IA 148D( IN on" NIA ItY I tl'i 111104W 4111111 ft ItIe IV17 I coliternet tie given PPY ptioeitittion SANIIEl FRY li0rb l'Istinlirrs N'''' hereof as requirtql by law for two Ine IIIIIn '1'1'1 (SIIIity SEVIElt Court Clerk I SI I Atli LEVI( lit' I I A It ETU successive wiitsi in the riiisit 1ty vaitooD anti sell with oppraisem*nt NI FALL' JR NotTICE 1 lo untairroilm ci i( IR cAmpillftL AritEler Willi: TO 11111'DITOOtt 1'10 Nt 311'to In th 4ittit Court or Tulsa tkhly ht Stat Ili Ii NtAtttr ol tho Estate of II tIIItiN i tiptttt pul solls ti11116 vh11111s Mk ft II I Ihstit tieerits41 lire rte esulti 1 ht saillt 11111 the essar Oiii hers to i he motorsign1 to On 111011 ton utot l'atttleton hot NAL Ittttlitteroc Wag Ttikitt i a Itoma thiti ftir titttit ht front the 4AR Iturtf or the testille I he tot 'tart I 101tt1 this I Ith tItty ttr January A 1 107 V1A Ititt l'AtttitrilL Mint Ealtzt101 Ilitgltittit A ft! Cols ati Itk ctrtimrruo Tut: 1 tit It -8745 1101ilird In II" Tulsa loath 1umiti NiA 1in i I tit 341 It007 Iii 0xt Pubs II tlay uf Januar) cli Ailitilillhitittur Ise) A 1 t) SIA Ttl 141 1 holly 1a31 1III 0' It th 111( In the rict 'if i'i I 11it 0 I I 1 4111011ms 41' I ho 411r11 thr U4 illo LI) Plaintiff 01 IN 11 tt emii ELL in- 12 "I t0 1hdatit I Il I) P-hil right1i i Is ita lige PI 11114 VI 110 '1k 0114 Tim I tk i I 11 1 1) ins est AT I I 1)11ti it '114 I TIIE H''' 11 1a1 a) 11 Natiltti iililtialit ili1 1N 4rant1 'Tulsa (win!) 1 11 ill tak 1 hat ou 1 'Is 11 l' "1 1" 4'1 alt 111- 1 111 in II 1 ihin1 1 unwnt 1011 in Iltok 1144 u1111 1) 111 al 111int if a '1 I "I Hi 1111 III tit'tr of i 1 0 al' 4 I 11114i1MVI1i(lit 4r I 01111" 1111' 1 "I "1' mid Nct Meteor h) thI tor raah )) 1 pUI I4 pitlit to ha) I I hr heirs or 11k1t loti I 1 I 1-it No th 101 I011111114411 is I It itti IA ii I t't it Ittli Hett Pt! ii I it44 trig hat Oil ilil viltti if oo taint tltio I itt it It In ter14t 4ith or 1111 ill mot ht Naht 104111'1f( lvok tit excl tido tti mot 'M it of tot 1Iii ally right hot otti1 1lI hr ttA tried that you 14)r l'o1 it ion flied by IIiiitiI I IPitPi day 110 11 11G7 said Petition I I I a 1tt a Milt and joilg merit 1 coI1I I iloieting the I it Iii Who I it mot xloolltig volt and olt or you from ally Ihf it IP or intors( thprtit I I (Ll)- of January 19f7 SANIIl FRY I Ilrk Iv SEN I Eft NI PALMS 1 it I 1po I Mill ingtott 1 ool It Lt 4 'Fa 14a 4 11thotna 11441114111 41) II totilitotHtt and plrliktilitlit liNtml iiii11 It b111 It I tit Mitt Jag It kt II lit 111041 TtEloil 141)1 4 Ott Ilir 141 ifillids 141 us! tiegt I 44 410) 4141 I hat liti 144! )414 1 th 1etit1414 I 1141 1y him ItIiI1t ui 1411 4 I 4111 or (hit 111 11 said oi It 111 Ii he altelt ars 1 Wo Mil plaintiff a 111 A the 'Kilts of the p111 hut Ioi lit 11 lisl1 t1t1 a 0 111110 St It timii lilt loco lgi deri eidati 1 it ail) itti41 14s 44141 4'v111111111)1 ilmitlitv Ili mitiur tiiliu ill lit 41414Ii 114) 1 it 1441 Tr roil Flo it to rttoki rti o1 'hug to I 1 'oat IT I Vt 1114s 1111V 4iall41 atiti sal of Maio! I tit 1:111 414) it January SA NI FRI SEM) 4 itillt I Itt-is Ity 1 At t' SILV EU itto 111111 NIA1 All) tor l'Irr I iglit I thig Tokat 014141o44)4 t40 blimh41 414 III Tulsa I tally 'wt al Nttt Is It ii 1 I I l'Ittlit04tig lo 14111- 11ss Itt I ht '111114 1vg311 Ne I'I I 194 In I It Iot- I'111111i11114 11h 1 WI 11' TO It COI To It Vitt NJ 3L'14 I tit Tilka wilt Tho ttf 111 I 11 Mat it oI I lie INtate I All 1t ha mg it 111otis itgaitimt lire re Awl II I the N11)1 it 11 tie 4til! Wt 'WIN ti' it at the irrice tof tIii Ili Ni lio allot itey 210 Mak 01 Iiihionot It hitt I WI Ifit11111 0011 I ht ILittl 1114 or HIV PAM 1111 1) Ittillt ti I il this iiI lty tor January A 1 A tr' NV ISE Atittilliktratoir ly 'LAREN( NICIIKIS1 lois Atty :10 Ala) flhiIu K26 1 Iio l'uitut Daily 1ogal NeVi 11in 17 Fb I Ind Dux Lr Publitiliing Cu In the County Court NVIthin unit filr Tulsa o111110 :4111 111 I he MAI ler it the or: Pr bait No I -529 1lJIA 11110 AI A Al i I liarglla It I No lilt AA II IN 1111A111111 Harold Sliititz Jr Etiardiati l'rutaiti Nu 10 It A 1111 Is I IANII I lec eitseql ir land Executrix Sii 2x7x9- -1A'ILEIAM SELF iISPII Sit I lig Harp Self Adiministra Ill it Pro toile Ni 214968 ANNA A ICUST Iti otimett Armptrong AtIminititrator Pro lotte No 2tiO90----0 I A It I ocpato91 VI li(eside Extotitrix Probate No 29521 I4)IIN DAY perramell Ns Ile II Day Executriz Probate No 30327-- NiveA ifit4sii John 2tIcCartity Adminititrator Protolte 30r97--S A i 11 oVE lipecamed Juanita Almon A(Intinimtrutrix Pro loolt No 3059N YM NI 'HS I itwearwill CPCI I it Nome reutfr pi-lutte NIL 3onom A It I Ikl 1 rm Aittill ti 1st 1 tr will imitate Nit 3nN7N 1: VIM t'ityKsiiN Deceased Noel t1 kititit Administrator 01111I14 Alb!) Will fir SEVII'LENIENT 1 I in I 1 1 I '11 rt li'V1 ip: 171 -11-11i i I 1 1 I i 1113r per sos entitled tii 11ti MATE Si I 31261 tate $11 i III Tula 1th 4ty 111ie al1 l'1111r 41 Ieuliii Antis I IIII i gi to grfillti ta 11tift a ticipate III 1 lit distribution i lit NOTICE State of (011alloma anti to adertise deceased alleging that Leona Au OF HIE I 1vcirt'll: dites at the 11111i or thi aatti or N40141: is IIERElly 471vEN tuni "oil it real estate anti the fol Ile tie eased tiled seized of lia mt Notice Is hereity given to norm's- distottlt 1111111111Ig cancelling setting la i Id imit hiilitimi Iiir naught I lie 0" sa A "r'''': a il persiais interested in the estate Ilin described pertonal propel" 11 l111 1111-11111 Interest in itild t) Ili or Ha olr of 1 hi County ma rriage contra I with yi11 111111: "11 AIPII i'' 1 geeeitS" of FRANK MANESS deceased to-it he i olio a tug demi-Med real prop- coil! of Tulsa I tool State of tor restoration of mime rendered rand that11111 j1111111118111e I111ywn that on the 23rd day of January Lola Seeetiteen i 17i a111 Fight- erty I ildithonlit made tin the Vali ility of ig the prayer thereof to i i 'ers oil In toilitts mg oescrioro "'a' 1957 liary Maness produced and 1'111 1111 Illock Emir 4 Skid- southeast Qiiatter of tile South- Januar) 1957 that tlie untiermigned 1TNESS my hand and the seal estate i tiled in the etilititY Court or the mor Add' ion tit 4 1 or gioittr sw4) of gum-than of the estate or Johnnie and lit Block 11 Forret County of Tulsa and State of tikla- Tulsa Toisa iikliiiiiiiiia tt North Let Titv ltd minor will sell at mi of sitid Court this 17th day of Jan- Lots 17 Park Addition to the City of home ell instrument in riting according to the re riled plat halloo 12 ra st of the 111M ral- vat sale to the highest bid a der sli- nity-Y 194 sAmirt Fits Tulsa Tiilsa County Stale of purporting to be the last will iind thereof I sit county ititlithollitt 11L'ordillg )1'1 la cola 11-111411111 by said Court CAL) Court Clerk tittlahomit according to the re- testament of Frank Aliiness de- anti I to the tiovernmeht Survey on or after the 4th dav td leo-bratty itt Si CLAItlitA cot tied plat I hereof ceased and also filed in said Court 111te radio phittitigrapit eombitta- hei eof arv 1957 at 10:011 1'111ck am at DPuty ei-Iiih vas conveyed by 111 A Tornp- a petition praying for the probate 'toll that tile plaintiff is the owner of said county Coalt all of the right ills to Altille 1 Tonipkins 1y war- sai 1e sh*tiler kilts of ll ti arid that Letters Tett- 1ti ataple ranch tv to chair said real property anti III the at tiliti title iiiiii 11110rel1 11 Said minor in anti peaceable possesaion thereof anti to the following described real -ratity deed prior to him death and ta tn 1 l'ilreadgill mtistarv issue thereon to i me Nlapie table 1011111 At tv Mr Pl(f "11'11 "11' bv 51llie II' ltliinetis the exeuntor named in said "tie iwodix Tv receiver Serial that indentiiints the unknown heirs estate lo-wit Alcit rne) Ititig Tompkins to plaintiffs predecessors aill No Li733 Alottel No 17Ii2 xeuutore admituatrators devitteea An undivided tme-rotirt intereat i in title prior to the time elle tie- an Pursuant to tirder of said olie odd bine cha ir t-tem and a ssigs taillietliato and 111 aliol 1 Lot 1111 Block 84s4 i ceit 'sett arid the plaintiffm are seek- Court en the 23rd day of JantiarY 4 me blue upholstered platform remote of Lewitt Anti deceamett wt (2) III 1 I Eli 1 (Published in the Tulsa Daily Legal i aig to quiet tit le against thl 1957 notice is htreby given that the rocker claim some right title or interest T111110 A I it all IN to tile City Nrws Jan 8 to Feb 7 1957 veitiorse admin stra 4 tore 1PVMP gt ti (lily 'it' February 1i057 at the 4414 la large id' lap table iti anti to said real property adverse of Tulsa Tulsa County likia 1 iexter Publishing Co Mid 11Mmillt14 immediate and hour of 9 1 0 'clouk am ma of id on 7 burer be ating stov to the plaintiff hod' to a tistitutes bon acc ia ording to the reo erd- era) remote of 11 A Tmpkine deceased 1014 a daty a ow It mogaity abe 001 loo1 on the nlaintirrs title that eil pia! thereof and the heirs etieulltora adminiatra- regular January term 1957 of said tone rose lit Dip Illoro has been no Judicial eterin- The interest in 111111 real estate In the Distriet Court in and for tors devisees trusteem and assigna court itiut hee a l' ppointed he am 4 ole an blud green Mu titottion of heirship of tqL111 14011 A W1 1 sold iiii the following ternin Tulsa County state Of riklanotaa immediate anti telltale of Niettie 11 tial hearing earing maid oltimi anti ml Mille decetiStal praying that anti conditions to-wit: Cash or part LAP EA A AN Plaintift vm Tompkins deceased and are seeking 1Ttrig said will at the County 1111 lamp with red shade the have judgment against cash and part deferred paysnenta 101ZIE itAlIAL et al Defendants to legally establish that the convey- Court Room in Tulsa in said Cloth- Mt mahogany bed with springs the defendants anti ttch of them which payment nutat be made in No 91(017 tutees hy the said II A Tmpkinm ty of illea when and where all mattresa luiially deterinining the aallaem and eotifornitt tic ith the Statutes( of N01114: OF MIIIERIIFFI4 MAE" deceoot and Mettie IL Tonipkins pertains intereate may appear atilt i ine tteer chest of rat rs individual identity of each and all the 4titte of 1 tialitinit -ncrning Nne is berebY given that In were good anti valid eon- (0044 tio "atm 111r bail I I Admiral radio the persons alio took or were en- qiiii of real estate by guardians pit rstiance of an Execution and 'lir- veya ices conveying to he grantees In Testimony slierel I have (ne blonde bedroom suite-Ares- titled to take Raid real property bids on the propert must be in der of Sale hooted out of the named therein their right title and net-vont set my hand anti the moil s1' bed chest matching shod aner the intestate MA: it soil i Mg and imist be fileI either Cutirt el TUisit Colin' I iklithnui interest in the real estate above of paid ettlintY 10till this 23rti day complete with springs anti mitt- slot' itt fides at the time of the In the county Court or delivered to ort the 711t (far of January 1951 described and that Yttli illtiht answer a jantiary 19:4 tress death ma of id cleea cmed and alip unde gnd li the rsie lit 31)9 int Capital in an action herein haunt A New- the petition filed herein by the maid ALIT NiArzy 411 twatiog stovo b1 lb ditribution ot Naid real Itoilding Tulea 1klithonia man was plaintiff atm' FoRie Italia' plaintiff's on or before the lath day County Judge lime Montclair gits range Table property and the proportion or part end dated this tile day and Jennie Itatial and others Werelt to said A liarrington Atty top double oven with itk and thereof that each look lir Vt UN toll of January 1917 tie-tendanta directed to me the lin' 1111 be taken as true and judgment Etts 4th Tulsa tuner titled to take as all heir of Leona MARV ELLA litt(iWN de-rsigneti Sheriff of Tulsa c*ntY i for sald plaint i Mt areordingly as Mt Lettliard Eirttrit! refriger- Amt deceased that the unknovvit formerly TAY14 It 44m4t41ling me to IttVy upon and pritypit will be rendered atm- toil ex utors adinistrators tie- Hourditth st-11 with appreisem*nt the follow- SAMPET FRY 9543 to satisfy a JudoMuni and decree of visees traeta anti itSMIKIIN tin- tireen at Feldman Attys ing descnied real Sli4te taWit: (SAL) engirt Clerk (Published In the Tulsa Daily Legal f1111141111 oblaillied in said 'ills mediate and remote of Leona An- 11111 canital Ithig Lot and the South 125 feet Fel' 13 957 Ity PHILLIPS 1111PCKIN1111HIK Jan to 1 on the fearteenth day of lieien bpr att rq ie dceed beuired to allow -i eit ot It 37 illrk 12 etthitta Deputy Iiii-1 Dexter Publishing Co Pub- 1 in favor tit the plaintiff anti Whitt right title or interemt if any 1 717Y- LEGAL mu Acidiihm i the City of NteNeill 6 NiNeill Attys limiters) against the itereinbefre deacribed that they now have in and to said IC-121niii Tulsa Tulsa County tokirthorna 13 Mid-Staten Ilid ri 11111CATION NOTICE real property anti pernatty under real inotorty a(lverme it the right Wit blishPd in the Tulsa Daily Legal acording to the recorded plat Tulsa I dilithipmst No I) 6411s0 the first SrutT111 anti th a ue ird css of title and interest of plain tiff that Naps Jan 22 23 24 llii 2X 1917 hereof ittlitAt for the sant or $2711009 to- they be adjudged to have tio right Lester Publishing Co Publish- to satisfy a judgment and decree of 8608 In the District Court of Tulsa I ureclesure in favor of said plain- get her with ai cruet! interpot in the title interest or palate therein and yrs) Coiinty $tate of Toklahormt I pillilislied in I he Tulsa Daily Legal ANDA NIEltiti 1 Plaintiff ye amount of I lot ou to the date of that the tale of the plaintiff In and I and against said delentitintib Newtt JAIL 1 22 29 1957 Dexter Voile itithat and Jennie Itithal lab- 11111bing cm publishi) hiliN le MERRITT Drit1111111t Aku24uP11g1 1951t anti Interest rettni to MIMI real property be quieted NO1114111 TO HIIMERN STATE I ir tiK LAMA! A TO TEE "H'' until paid at the rate of tittililiet the 'Wire executor's admin- otive is hereby given that sealed tamed find made in SAW ettlirt on A hove Named I 0efendan 1C per annum and the additi onal istrattirs devisees irlinter11 anti as- hid will le I 1 in the Mee the litth day Of Peet-rubor 1956 for Notice is hereby given that on the sun) or $o500 attorneys' teem and signs immediate and remote of 8 1 tim of wild Interest Nth day of February at 10:00 am Volt ill take notice that you (1ttit* ()tieitdhirisailidetrirelit1 etnttiltptitittt beI 11tiiribtantAsntlii1 detthatetilItalind tbleie Rdeer- A Jacitson Lawernee Auditor of have inlet the above nan-led 1 I i the It of Tulsa until 1:00 tithIrsil percent per annum from th it publie sale will be held at 20 date of said judgment $50000 at- Archer Street Tulsa Oklahoma or Court by the above plaintlif for a (1" ap i prassed as directed in said petually barred and enjoined from Tuestlay February 12 1957 for tarneyti fee costs of 14200 and costs plat! designated by liekine Van divorce on the grounds of inc0111- decree in the mum of and 1 setting up or ritoterting any right furnialting the following to-wit: patibility and that Intl eon you arts- alit IM tilt 9th (lay of February title or Interest in said real prop- aceruing that I titd CHUMS the abov storage Company wer the petition file( this plain- 19T7 at he hour of 1000 am orl erty siteserthed prolierlY to be appraimed Said company will Nell to higheet rine (I i 6'1 3" 34" water dericribed oods here Its- three disinteremted appraisere bidder certain tiff in maid ourt on or before the meter Ilersey Model lettl-CT or th dav of larch 19" maid stud day at the west door in the That said defendants and each of equa1 sot approved by thp Nit of 1111t1 1Mit) of Tulsa in lotted Notice having been here County Courthouse in the City of them mum an owr the etition tional Itomrd of Fire Crider "I the sum of 1500000 and tofo ri re giv by regititered letter to tition will bp taken as true and Tulsa Tula County Okl ta ahon 1 I ft of I I i ie Huth on or befoe rd le bruary last known place of business or Judgment granting to the plaintiff fir I will On tho Itth day for pale to the highest bidder the 4tit day of Alarch 1W or maid writerm The reprinter of the metoT furnished hereunder phall I 9 b7 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock abode a divorce tinntilling canceling pet- for clod) the aloive described rout petition a ill be taken its true and id day at the front door miseellaneous houttehold goods and ting Hsi tie and holding for naught estate anti personalty or ivm of ea the marriage contract with you rand tot much lodgment rendered adjudging and bp round reading and shall re- cord in gallons It shall be fur th Court Rouse in the City of personal effects of: herein an may be net ar ess 11 1 Burke to he to mat etreeling i ke twn of for judgment rendered according to nimhed with connections ASA 1iloa in said County and State 1 Catlett 245-21 said judgment and devree in er of said real property tandar oun roperty and entitled 125 Flanges ges offer for sale and sell to the high- joyee Faherty thereof 6154 the prioer ereo possession Ildder for cash the said prof) Fredrick Folks 11213 NVITNESS my hand and the seal favor of th laintiff to the thereof and that IN NVITNE tV fi ERE( SS et4t 1 I have the defendantm have no right title Privet' shall be quoted on the 'Arty above deowrib eti or so much flibmon 7731 of ettid ourt this 22nd day of Jan- hereunto set my hand arid seal at or Interest therein and quieting th as will patinly said judit Helen (1 Ilenitley 170 63 uary lab? ng httnits of tob Tulsa oklahoma The beret SAMUEL FRY Tulsa tiklahotria this 18th day of title of the plaintiff against all ad City of Tulsa the right to Ment with interest end costot Jack Jennings 117 98 January 195 7 vrse clais of said detendante WITNESS 161Y AN This ath day Macy 0100 lSEALI Court Clerk rejeut any and all bide and to waive It Rice 12120 By SEVIER FALLIS Jlt LENN lb lift li (ms (liven under my band and seal informality in bidding of JanuarY 19r1 Nheriff of Te a lm 4 'mint this lath day of January laft7 ilLENN 11 BROW Deput Tinney Sheriff of Tulsa County gybit Tate 158 46 Gene A Loving IlY Ai LEAVELL SAMUEL FRY Dated at Tulsa Oklahoma this Oklahoma Lillie Wallace 13493 Atty for PIM Green Feldman Deputy (SEAL) Court Clerk of 22nd day of January 1957 fly II LEAVELL BEKINS VAN STORAGE nooms 21)3-5-I IleertetY Illdit Ity: Wm Rail Tulsa County Ily SEVIER Si FALLIS JR A JACKSON LAWRENCE Deputy COMPANY Sand springs Okla Attys for PIM Deputy (SEAL) City Auditor It Thurlwell Atty 2fi Archer -3109 nil Capital illtig Byron Boone Atty 615 ti Main Tultia Tulsa Okla Subscribe to The Legal News 11 World Bldg Subscribe to The Legal News 1 IT I(KMENtitEltE1) That on this 17th day of January 1947 the same being a day of the regular Judicial term of the County Court of tiklahoniss it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that in the above named cases the lutiardians Adminietretors Adminisltratricen Executor Executrices lit Administrator with will isnnexed having filed their final reports and petitions' fur determination of heirship and distribution and iiiischarge all partiem intereeted in maid estates are given notice and aro hereby directed to appear in the County Court of Tulsa County State or ciklashonia on the Sth day of Februiso 1957 at 910 o'clock a ris to show cause why said accounts 'should not he epproved and final order's made determining hirship and decreeing distribution and maid estatm chimed IT IS FtItTIllift ORDERED That nOtleP of the proceedings herein concerned be given by publication hereof as required by law for two succeissive weeks in the Tulsa Daily Legal News of Tulsa iiklahoma and notice Of paid hearing shall be mailed sst tenet 10 days prior to the date of hearing to the heirs legateels and deviseen whom add are known and in tluardianship proceedinge to the next of kin and the person having custody of said Incompetent or Minor IN WIlEltEoF I have hereto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court thin 17th day of January 1957 WIIIT MACZT (SEAL) County Judge 1.

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Name: Tish Haag

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